Blue Light Champion - Consent and Declaration Form

We hope that becoming a Blue Light Champion (BLC) will be enjoyable and rewarding for you.  Within your joining instructions you will have received a copy of the Role Profile and the Code of Conduct. Both documents outline what being a BLC entails and will assist you in making an informed decision as to whether you feel becoming a Champion is appropriate for you.

During your induction the facilitator will go through more specifically as to where the role is positioned in terms of MPS policy, and the course itself covers topics including boundaries, confidentiality and safeguarding. These are key elements and strengthen how we can work together effectively to raise awareness of mental health and challenge the stigma about mental health problems.
Personal Experience and circumstances
Some people decide to become Champions because of their own lived experiences around mental health. The course places emphasis on looking after yourself first and foremost before we can meaningfully support others. More broadly it looks at increasing our own self-awareness, ways in which we can safely disclose if we have a mental health problem and then finally looking at what options are available to us in terms of managing our own situations.
Further advice or support
The 1 Day induction is an insight into the role of a BLC and it is expected that you will join a network local to where you work, to further support you and enhance your knowledge and experience in the role. On completion you will receive access to further internal and external support services which are there for you to use and sign post people to should they require it.

There are 7 questions in this survey.

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