Victim Attrition Survey 2025

Thank you for taking the time to complete this brief survey to help us to understand more about the experiences of victims of crime in London. This survey is part of an ongoing research project requested by Claire Waxman OBE, the Victims’ Commissioner for London, exploring the reasons why victims may choose not to proceed in the justice system. As part of this research, we are keen to ensure victims’ voices and perspectives shape findings and recommendations around how to better provide support and deliver outcomes for victims of crime in London.

In particular, we are interested in hearing from victims of crime who reported to the police, but then withdrew from the process before the case concluded. This is known as ‘victim attrition’ – when a victim no longer supports the investigation or prosecution of a case. Your inputs and reflections will be extremely valuable to our research, so we are very grateful for your time. Please note that we will only be able to collect information from you as part of this survey if you are aged 18 or over.

If for any reason you would prefer not to answer a question just select 'Can't recall/Don't know' or move on to the next question. You are also free to leave the survey at any point.

We appreciate some of these questions may be difficult for you, so we have included contact details for various agencies who can support you at the end of the survey. These will also be accessible on every page of the survey, by clicking the “Support Service Details” button at the bottom of the page.

There is a 'quick exit' button at the top of each page should you need to exit the survey at any point. This will redirect you immediately to the BBC homepage.

Please note, this survey is not a way of reporting a crime. If you tell us about an incident that hasn’t been reported to the police, we will not be sharing that information with the police. If you wish to report an incident to the police, you need to speak to them separately via the usual channels (call 101, report online, visit your local police station).

Please be as open and honest as possible – responses to this survey will be completely anonymous unless you disclose any identifiable information. We may use quotes from responses, but any identifiable information you do provide will be removed from any reports or material generated from this research. Findings from the research project will form part of a report due later this year. The report will eventually be published on the MOPAC website.

If you have any problems completing the survey, you can contact us at with ‘Victim Experience’ in the subject line. 


Your Data

By filling in this survey you agree that we will process your data in line with MOPAC’s privacy policy. For more information, please go to or contact MOPAC at Any information that you provide will be processed in line with the requirements of the UK Data Protection Act 2018 and the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR).  


Privacy note
Whenever you press 'Next', the answers that you have provided will be submitted and may be included in the results.
If at any stage you decide that you do not want your answers to be included in the results, you can press 'Exit and clear survey'.
This will clear all answers you have submitted up to that point.

Support Service Details

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